HP Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager Software User Manual
Page 145

Failover fails to initiate with an ERROR (30) - Could not initiate failover;
nested exception is: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
This error can occur when the CLI cannot communicate to the VCEM SOAP interface. This
communication issue can occur when an IP address or hostname lookup takes more than a few
minutes to return or when there is a networking issue on the VCEM server. To resolve this issue,
verify that the Systems Insight Manager system is running properly by logging in and that the IP
address or hostname for the source system exists. If the IP address or hostname does not exist,
perform an Systems Insight Manager discovery.
VC Profile Failover fails during Onboard Administrator replacement
If an enclosure has two Onboard Administrators with redundancy and one fails, then the redundant
Onboard Administrator might take several minutes to take over. The VC Profile Failover operation
fails when source or spare bays are associated with an enclosure while the redundant Onboard
Administrator is still in the process of taking over.
To resolve this issue:
Wait until Onboard Administrator has failed over. Perform an Systems Insight Manager
discovery to rediscover the new Onboard Administrator IP address. If the address is not
rediscovered, see the HP BladeSystem c-Class Onboard Administrator User Guide.
If you initiated VC Profile Failover through the VCEM GUI:
From the VCEM home page, click the Profiles tab.
Select the server profile to failover and click Failover. The Virtual Connect
Enterprise Manager is executing the request
message appears.
Click OK to go to the Jobs page and monitor job progress.
VCEM cannot power down ProLiant server model BL465 G1
All VCEM operations that explicitly power down the server (such as VC Profile Failover, Momentary
Press or Press and Hold) might not work well for ProLiant server model BL465c G1 unless the
Onboard Administrator firmware version is at least 2.25. If you are managing enclosures that
contain ProLiant server model BL465c G1, verify that you use Onboard Administrator firmware
version 2.25 or later.
After a VC Domain is removed from a VC Domain Group in VCEM, a
profile with external-managed status cannot be edited through VCM
This situation occurs when the profile address is not in the released range selected during the
remove VC Domain from VC Domain Group or delete entire VC Domain Group operations. To
make changes to such server profiles, you must bring the VC Domain under VCEM control and
then update the server profile through the VCEM profile editor.
Server profile edit operation fails when target server is powered on
If you edit a server profile in VCEM and add, remove, or change an Ethernet network connection,
add, remove, or change Fibre Channel SAN connections or change the server profile name, the
edit server profile job might fail with the following message in the job details:
Error during Edit server profile [Profile Name]. Details: This action
could not be performed because the server is powered on. Power down the
server associated with the Server Bay and retry the operation.
VCEM server profile editor allows profile edit operations in case the target server is powered off.
However, the VCEM server profile edit job might fail depending on what profile changes each VC
Domain firmware version allows if the target server is powered on.
Failover fails to initiate with an ERROR (30) - Could not initiate failover; nested exception is: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
Read timed out