Introduction – HP Insight Vulnerability and Patch Manager Software User Manual

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Introduction 7


Malicious software security threats are becoming more frequent, more sophisticated, and more costly
to businesses, draining billions of dollars in productivity, revenue, and corporate credibility each

year. The vast majority of attacks, including automated worms, are performed against known

vulnerabilities for which a patch or fix is widely known.
Gain the upper hand in the war against hackers, worms, and trojan software that exploit software
security vulnerabilities by using HP ProLiant Essentials Vulnerability and Patch Management Pack—the

all-in-one vulnerability assessment and patch management tool. Vulnerability and Patch Management

Pack enables you to:

Enhance system lifecycle management by incorporating vulnerability assessment and patching as

an integral part of the system management process

Accelerate resolution of vulnerabilities by reducing the research time to understand the criticality

of the vulnerability and the expected behavior for patches and fixes

Reduce the risk of security threats by automating the acquisition, scheduling the deployment, and

continuously enforcing the persistence (desired state) of patches

Built on industry-leading scanning (PatchLink Security Threat Avoidance Technology) and patch

management technology (HP OpenView using Radia), and integrated into the industry-leading HP

Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM), Vulnerability and Patch Management Pack delivers a robust set of


Combined vulnerability assessment and patch management—A single tool seamlessly combines

the assessment and the remediation of vulnerabilities, reducing operational complexity that

arises from managing separate tools for vulnerability assessment and patch management.

Integrated into HP SIM—This enables use of already existing functionality, such as discovery,

identification, scheduling, role-based security, notification, and group-based actions, eliminating