Usage monitor window – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 71

Pending Update Data Rate is always displayed and shows the maximum cache % available for use by
TC390 Async sidefiles.
Offloading Timer indicates the maximum time between TC390 Async recordset transfers.
Display All is selected in the Consistency Group tree when the Asynchronous Operations window is
displayed. All consistency groups (00-7F) are listed in the Consistency Group list. When Used (
) of
Consistency Group tree is selected, the consistency groups that are already registered are listed in the
Consistency Group list. When Not Used (
) of Consistency Group tree is selected, the consistency groups
that are not registered are listed.
Consistency Group list consists of the following items:
CTG: Consistency group number.
This CU: The CU that initially registered the consistency group. When the consistency group is not
registered, the column is blank. MCU: The local CU registered the consistency group. RCU: The
consistency group is registered from the paired CU (the local CU is RCU). M&R: MCU and RCU are in
the same disk array.
M-R Path: Channel type, Fibre or Serial. When the consistency group is not registered, the column is
Paired S/N: Serial number of the paired disk array (the disk array with the lowest serial number).
When the consistency group is not registered, the column is blank.
Paired SSID: SSID (Storage subsystem ID) of paired disk array (the disk array with the lowest SSID).
When the consistency group is not registered, the column is blank.
Other S/N: Exist: indicates that there are RCU other than the one with the lowest serial number. When
there is no other RCU, the column is blank.
CLPR: the number and name of the CLPR which the volumes forming pairs belong to. If the consistency
group is not in use, this column is blank. For further information on CLPRs, please refer to the
HP StorageWorks Command View XP User Guide for XP Disk Arrays or the HP StorageWorks XP Remote
Web Console User Guide for the specific disk array.
Usage Monitor Window
Click the Usage Monitor tab to display the Usage Monitor window and perform the Remote Copy
Monitoring function. The Remote Copy Monitoring function obtains the I/O statistics for all the LDEVs on
the connected disk array.