HP Color LaserJet CM6030CM6040 Multifunction Printer series User Manual

Page 328

background image

fuser 267
glass 212
outside of product 212
touchscreen 212

clean page, printing 267

set 191

collating copies 159

adjusting 146
advanced use 151
CMYK ink set emulation 151
edge control 146
four-color printing 151
halftone options 146
HP ImageREt 4800 151
manage 145
match 149
neutral grays 147
Pantone® matching 150
print color samples 149
print in grayscale 147
printed vs. monitor 149
restrict use 147
sample book matching 149
sRGB 151
using 145

color options 143
Color tab settings 80
colored text

print as black 144

configuration page

Information menu 18
Macintosh 76
printing 178

configurations, models 2

trays 114

connect product 84

network utilities 94
USB 84

connectivity features 5
contracts, maintenance 291
control panel

Administration menu 17
buttons 14
clean touchscreen 212
copy-screen 154
e-mail screen 166

E-mail Setup menu 41
Fax Setup menu 38
help 16
Home screen 15
Information menu 18
Initial Setup menu 31
layout 14
lights 14
locating 8
locking menus 190
Management menu 29
messages, types of 226
Resets menu 59
Send Setup menu 41
Service menu 60
settings 66, 74
Time/Scheduling menu 27
touchscreen buttons 16

controlling print jobs 115
copies, number of

Windows 144

Copitrak devices 188

cancel 162
control-panel navigation 154
copy screen 154
from document feeder 154
from glass 154
Job Mode 161
multiple originals 161
photos and books 160
set options 154
settings 155
two-sided documents 156


books 160
collating 159
features 6
quality, troubleshooting 264
speed specifications 4

counterfeit supplies 193
cover pages 77, 141
covers, locating 8
custom-size paper settings

Macintosh 77

customer support

embedded Web server

links 186

HP Printer Utility pages 76

maintenance agreements 291
online 289


Data light

locating 14

date, set 191
date, setting 27
Declaration of Conformity 301,


default job options menu 20
default settings

Resets menu 59

defects, repeating 264
delay, sleep 124

settings 76

Device Behavior menu 42
device discovery 89
device status

Macintosh Services tab 80


networks 34

digital faxing 176
digital sending

about 164, 167
address books 168, 169
configure e-mail 164
control-panel settings 166
embedded Web server

settings 185

folders 171
job settings 170
LDAP support 164
loading documents 167
recipient lists 168
sending documents 167
Setup menu 41
SMTP support 164
validating gateway

addresses 273

workflow 172

Digital Sending tab, embedded

Web server 185

DIMMs (dual inline memory


installing 201
part numbers 282

Disk Erase feature 189

312 Index