Volume configuration requirements – HP XP Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual
Page 91

Restore only the file system created in disk group
after backing up disk groups
PROMPT> drmfsrestore 0000000001 -resync -target G:
KAVX0001-I The drmfsrestore command will now start.
KAVX0019-I Copying file(s) now...
KAVX0002-I The drmfsrestore command will now end.
Requirements and precautions for volume configurations
This section describes the requirements and precautions for volume configurations when Application
Agent is used.
Volume configuration requirements
You cannot use Application Agent in a configuration where a physical volume is divided into
multiple disk groups using logical volume manager.
Do not use any functions for expanding or reducing the capacity of a logical volume. If you use
such functions, Application Agent will not perform backup and restoration correctly. This is because
the number of physical volumes that make up the logical volume changes according to the change
in capacity of the logical volume. Application Agent checks whether the configuration of logical
volumes has been changed and, if changed, restoration terminates with an error.
If the volumes to be processed by Application Agent contain an LDEV for which a mode other
than the normal mode is specified for the access level by using Data Retention Utility, neither a
backup nor a restoration can be performed.
When executing backup and restoration of file systems and databases, Application Agent mounts
and unmounts the volume subject to processing. In this situation, set the mount point directory
name as follows:
Maximum number of characters: The specifiable path length depends on the limitation for the
RAID Manager mount or unmount functionality:
- When performing a disk backup:
The path length limitation described above applies to the length of the path where the volume for
which cold backup operations are to be performed has been mounted.
- When backing up to tape:
The path length limitation described above applies to the length of the path where the volume for
which disk backup operations are to be performed has been mounted. This limitation also applies
to the length of the path where the secondary volume for which tape backup operations are to be
performed is mounted.
Usable characters: Characters that can be used for a folder name in Windows (you cannot use
a null character).
One mount point can be specified for each logical volume.
Allocate database files and file systems that are not subject to backup and restoration so that they
are not included in the same disk configuration unit as those that are subject to backup and restor-
Allocate database files and file systems that are backed up simultaneously but can be restored
separately so that they are not included in the same disk configuration unit as those that are subject
to backup and restoration.
Application Agent CLI User Guide