HP XP Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual
Page 343
Recover the SQL Server database.
To recover the SQL Server database, execute the
command on the database server at the local site.
The following command illustrates execution of the
command to recover the
SQL Server database:
hostB > drmsqlrecover DEFAULT
KAVX0001-I The drmsqlrecover command will now start.
KAVX0002-I The drmsqlrecover command will now end.
hostB >
The following command illustrates execution of the
command to recover
the SQL Server database:
hostB > drmsqlrecovertool DEFAULT
hostB >
When the command is executed, the drmsqlrecovertool dialog box is displayed. For details about
the drmsqlrecovertool dialog box, see the description of the
in the manual HP P9000 Replication Manager Software Application Agent CLI Reference Guide.
Performing restoration and recovery on a host other than the
backup host
This section explains by way of an example how to restore and recover SQL Server database data
from a host other than the host that was used to make the backup. This explanation assumes the system
configurations shown in the following figures. Operations are usually performed on database server
1, but when an error occurs on database server 1, the operations are switched to database server
Application Agent CLI User Guide