HP XP Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual

Page 453

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Performing a VSS backup on the standby server (backup data is created on a secondary volume).
In this example, the backup data on the secondary volume is then backed up to a tape device.

Restoring on the active server backup data that was acquired on the active server

Performing a fail-over of the active server, and switching the standby server to the active server.
The backup data that was originally acquired on the standby server before failover was performed
is then used to restore the active server following the failover operation (the restore operation is
executed at the same node at which the backup data was acquired).

The examples in this section assume the system configuration shown in the following figure.

Figure 127 Example of a system for backing up and restoring data in a CCR configuration

The examples in this section assume the following conditions.

If VSS backup is performed on the active server, the Protection Manager service is running on the
backup server for the active server.

If VSS backup is performed on the standby server, the Protection Manager service is running on
the backup server for the standby server.

The Protection Manager service is running on the backup server of the active server at which the
restore operation is to be executed. If the automatic seed function is used for the restore operation,
the Protection Manager service will also be running on the standby server's database server.

If the automatic seed function is used for the restore operation, the Exchange environment config-
uration file will have already been created and the automatic seed function will be enabled.

Application Agent CLI User Guide