HP 8.20q Fibre Channel Switch User Manual

Page 104

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Fabric port

An F_Port

Fabric view file

A file containing a set of fabrics that were opened and saved during a previous QuickTools


Fan Fail LED

An LED that indicates that a cooling fan in the switch is operating below standard.

Flash memory

Memory on the switch that contains the switch control firmware.

Force PROM Mode See Maintenance Mode


Data unit consisting of a start-of-frame (SOF) delimiter, header, data payload, CRC, and an

end-of-frame (EOF) delimiter.

Hard zone

A hard zone is a division of the fabric for the purposes of controlling discovery and inbound


Heartbeat LED

A switch LED that indicates the status of the internal switch processor and the results of the

Power On Self Test.


An IFZ (inter-fabric zone) allows controlled and limited access between devices on a 8/20q

Fibre Channel Switch (local) fabric and devices on a remote fabric of other vendor switches. An

IFZ contains exactly three WWN members: the local device, the remote device, and the

TR_Port attached to the remote fabric.

Inactive firmware

The firmware image on the switch that is not in use.



The ability to manage a switch through another switch over an inter-switch link.


The device that initiates a data exchange with a target device.

Input Power LED

A switch LED that indicates that the switch logic circuitry is receiving proper DC voltages.

Inter-Switch Link

The connection between two switches using E_Ports.


Internet Protocol


Light emitting diode.


Loop Initialization Primitive sequence

Logged-in LED

A port LED that indicates device login or loop initialization status.

Maintenance button Formerly known as the Force PROM button. A momentary button on the switch used to reset the

switch or place the switch in maintenance mode.

Maintenance mode Formerly known as force PROM mode. Sets the IP address to and provides access to

the switch for maintenance purposes.


Information Base

A set of guidelines and definitions for SNMP functions. See SNMP.



PC workstation that manages the fabric through the fabric management switch.


Management Information Base


Node Loop Port. A Fibre Channel device port that supports arbitrated loop protocol.


Node Port. A Fibre Channel device port in a point-to-point or fabric connection.