HP LaserJet 5200 Printer series User Manual

Page 204

background image

System Setup menu 29
troubleshooting 95

copies, default number of 25
counterfeit supplies 87
Courier font settings 25
cover pages 72, 74, 76
covers 74
creased paper,

troubleshooting 133

crooked pages 132
curled paper,

troubleshooting 132

custom-size paper

driver settings 72
printing on 63
settings 23
tray settings 25
tray specifications 12

customer support

Linux 140
online 154
repacking printer 155


darkness, setting 29
data transmission settings 33
date, setting 29, 108
DC controller errors 107
declaration of conformity 168
default settings, restoring 34

settings 29
troubleshooting 127

Diagnostics menu 35

accessing 5
adding 78
installing 173
part numbers 145
types available 172
unsupported errors 107
verifying installation 177

display, control panel

messages 17

disposal, end-of-life 166
documentation 2
dots, troubleshooting 128, 134
double-sided printing

layout options 69
loading paper 69, 75

manual 70
paper sizes supported 69
Show Me How menu 20
usage page 22

downloading software 7
dpi, settings 28
draft quality printing 28

included 4
Macintosh settings 74

troubleshooting 138

operating systems

supported 7

preconfiguration 8
presets (Macintosh) 74
quick sets (Windows) 71
settings 9, 36, 48
Update Now 8
Windows settings 71

dropouts, troubleshooting 128

bad connection errors 109


Easy Printer Care software 11,


EconoMode setting 28
electrical specifications 158
end-of-life disposal 166
energy specifications 158
enlarging documents 72

default size, setting 25
margins 59, 161
printing from tray 1 59
sizes supported 13
specifications 160
storing 161
wrinkled, troubleshooting 133

environment for printer

specifications 159
troubleshooting 125

environmental stewardship

program 165

EPS files, troubleshooting 139
error messages

alphabetical list 108
event log 35
numerical list 103

settings 30, 39
types of 102
Windows 137

error messages, control panel 17
escape characters 182
event log 35
extended warranty 156


factory defaults, restoring 34
FastRes 28
FCC regulations 164
features 3, 4
Finnish laser safety

statement 170

firmware upgrade errors 109,

110, 113

first page

blank 73
jams, troubleshooting 99
use different paper 72, 74,


Flip Pages Up binding option 70

Courier 25
EPS files, troubleshooting 139
included 4
list, printing 22, 80
PCL commands 183, 186
permanent resources 178
settings 26
troubleshooting 141

fraud hotline 87
full-bleed images 63

errors 106
install message 110
modes 27


General Protection FaultException

OE 137

glossary 189
glossy paper, printing on 66
gray background,

troubleshooting 129

guides, printer information 2

192 Index