Configuring deployment servers, Discovering deployment servers, Registering deployment servers – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 16: Configuring insight control server deployment, Creating server deployment job folders
Configuring deployment servers
Insight Orchestration supports the following server deployment platforms for provisioning:
Insight Control server deployment (physical provisioning)
Ignite-UX (physical and virtual provisioning)
HP Server Automation (physical and virtual provisioning)
Discovering deployment servers
Insight Orchestration provisioning requires software deployment servers to be discovered or
To discover a deployment server in Systems Insight Manager:
Select Options
Create or edit a group (for example, Deployment Servers).
In Ping inclusion ranges, system (hosts) names, and/or hosts files, enter the IP address or
In Credentials..., specify the username and password, and then confirm the password.
Click Save.
In Discovery, click Run Now.
Registering deployment servers
During Insight Orchestration installation, you must enter the host IP address and credentials for the
deployment servers used by Insight Orchestration. If a deployment server needs to be added after
Insight Orchestration is installed, use the following command on the CMS:
Insight Control server deployment
mxnodesecurity –a –p dsc_rdp –c username:password –n <ipaddress of
server deployment server>
mxnodesecurity –a –p dsc_ignite –c username:password –n <ipaddress
of Ignite server>
HP Server Automation:
mxnodesecurity –a –p dsc_sas –c username:password –n <ipaddress of
HP Server Automation server>
Configuring Insight Control server deployment
Creating server deployment job folders
For each operating system that Insight Orchestration will use to deploy physical servers, you must
create Insight Control server deployment job folders:
Create a top-level Insight Control server deployment job folder for each operating system.
Right-click in the empty space of the Jobs panel and select New Folder from the list.
Rename the new folder, for example, HPIO RHEL54 BL BFS.
Copy the Deploy ProLiant System Configuration (BL BFS) job from the HP
Deployment Toolbox/2
→Hardware Configuration folder, and paste it into the new folder
OS jobs can be found under OS Installation
→Hardware Configuration (or under HP Deployment
→OS Imaging if you have already captured customized OS images to be deployed);
HP management agent jobs can be found under HP Deployment Toolbox/4
→Software which
should be installed after the OS is deployed. For example, in the HPIO RHEL54 BL BFS job