Hp authorized resellers, Documentation feedback, Subscribing to security bulletins – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

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HP authorized resellers

For the name of the nearest HP authorized reseller, see the following sources:

In the United States, see the HP U.S. service locator web site:

In other locations, see the Contact HP worldwide web site:

Documentation feedback

HP welcomes your feedback. To make comments and suggestions about product documentation,
send a message to:

[email protected]

Include the document title and manufacturing part number in your message. All submissions become
the property of HP.

Security bulletin and alert policy for non-HP owned software components

Open source software (such as OpenSSL) or third-party software (such as Java) are sometimes
included in HP products. HP discloses that the non-HP owned software components listed in the
HP Insight Dynamics end user license agreement (EULA) are included with HP Insight Dynamics.

To view the EULA, use a text editor to open the /opt/vse/src/README file on an HP-UX CMS,
or the \src\README file on a Windows CMS. (The default
installation directory on a Windows CMS is ..\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server

, but this directory can be changed at installation time.)

HP addresses security bulletins for the software components listed in the EULA with the same level
of support afforded HP products.

HP is committed to reducing security defects and helping you mitigate the risks associated with
security defects when they do occur. HP has a well defined process when a security defect is found
that culminates with the publication of a security bulletin. The security bulletin provides you with a
high level description of the problem and explains how to mitigate the security defect.

Subscribing to security bulletins

To receive security information (bulletins and alerts) from HP:


Open a browser to the HP home page:


Click the Support & Drivers tab.


Click Sign up: driver, support, & security alerts, which appears under Additional Resources
in the right navigation pane.


Select Business & IT Professionals to open the Subscriber's Choice web page.


Do one of the following:

Sign in if you are a registered customer.

Enter your e-mail address to sign-up now. Then, select the box next to Driver and Support
alerts and click Continue.

HP authorized resellers