Modifying an existing group’s access rights – AMX NetLinx Master-Ethernet Card/Module NXC-ME260 User Manual
Page 59

NetLinx Security and Web Server
NetLinx Integrated Controllers
Click on the checkbox next to the requested access rights desired for the selected group.
Placing a check in these fields activates the access rights (Terminal/Admin Change/FTP/
HTTP/Telnet/Security Configuration). Refer to the Security tab - Add Group page section on
page 39 for more detailed field descriptions.
Click OK to accept and save the changes made on this tab to the Master. Clicking Cancel
voids any changes made within this tab, disables the security configuration session, voids any
changes made to the Master, and returns you to the empty Security tab.
Successful addition of the new group results in an on-screen message "
Group ‘XXX’ added
Modifying an existing Group’s access rights
Click on the Security tab. By default this tab is blank until a security option is selected from
the left of the browser window. Refer to the Security tab - Modify Group page section on
page 40 for more detailed descriptions on the security configuration options.
Click the Modify Group link (on the left of the browser window) to populate the Security tab
with the access rights fields associated with the selected group. (FIG. 40).
Click the down arrow from the Select New Group field to open a drop-down listing of
authorized groups. Initially, administrator is listed as the last accessed group. As more groups
are added through the Add Group section of the Security tab; those groups appear within the
drop-down selection (along with checkmarks alongside their pre-configured access rights).
After a group is selected, the access rights, previously assigned to that group, are
selected/enabled with a checkmark next the corresponding field (Terminal/Admin
Change/FTP/HTTP/Telnet/Security Configuration). Refer to the Security tab - Modify
Group page section on page 40 for more detailed field descriptions.
Enable (check) or disable (uncheck) the checkbox associated to the desired access right.
Alterations made within this window modify any previously access rights that were assigned to
the selected group when it was created.
Any security changes made to the Master from within the web browser are instantly
reflected within a Terminal session without the need to reboot.
Security changes made to the Master from within a Terminal window are not reflected
within the web browser until the Master is rebooted and the web browser connection
is refreshed.
FIG. 40 Security tab - showing the Modify Group access rights fields