Adding a group and assigning their access rights – AMX NetLinx Master-Ethernet Card/Module NXC-ME260 User Manual
Page 58

NetLinx Security and Web Server
NetLinx Integrated Controllers
Click on the checkbox next to SSL Enable to enable the use of SSL encryption and server
certificate usage. Activating this feature requires the creation of a server certificate. Refer to
the SSL Certificate Procedures section on page 61 for instructions on creating and requesting a
server certificate for the target Master.
Click OK to accept and save the changes made on this tab to the Master. Clicking Cancel
voids any changes made within this tab, disables the security configuration session, voids any
changes made to the Master, and returns you to the empty Security tab.
Successful incorporation of the changes to the Master’s security configurations results in an
on-screen message "
System Security successfully configured. SSL has been turned on
Adding a Group and assigning their access rights
Click on the Security tab. By default this tab is blank until a security option is selected from
the left of the browser window. Refer to the Security tab - Add Group page section on page 39
for more detailed descriptions on the security configuration options.
Click the Add Group link to populate the Security tab with the fields necessary for
configuring a new group and assigning its associated access rights (FIG. 39).
Enter a unique alpha-numeric string (consisting of 4 - 20 characters) into the Group Name
field. This string provides a unique name for the desired group. The word administrator
cannot be used for a new group name since it already exists by default.
Before initially enabling the SSL feature on the Master, a self-generated
certificate should first be installed. This initial certificate, along with the enabling of
the SSL security feature (from the Enable Security page), allows users to create a
secure connection to the Master so an encrypted CA server certificate can then be
safely imported.
If a SSL certificate has been previously placed on the target Master, after clicking OK,
a server certificate security alert might appear to inform you of any issues with the
existing certificate. Click Yes to accept the certificate conditions and continue
accessing the target Master.
A Group represents a logical collection of individual users. Any properties possessed
by a group (ex: access rights, directory associations, etc.) are inherited by all
members of that group.
The "administrator" group account cannot be deleted or modified.
FIG. 39 Security tab - showing the Add Group fields