Rs-232 serial communication interface, Communicating with the tcm2.5/2.6, Tcm studio – evaluation program – PNI TCM 2.6 User Manual
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PNI Sensor Corporation
DOC#1009269 r11
TCM2.5 & TCM2.6 User Manual
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RS-232 Serial Communication Interface
8 data bits, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, flow control none
Baud Rate
300 to 115200
Communicating with the TCM2.5/2.6
Once the TCM2.5/2.6 is powered up
and the RS232 connection is made with one of the PC’s COM
ports, you may begin exchanging ASCII serial data with the TCM2.5/2.6. The most direct means is
to run any modem or terminal emulation software. Specify the COM port that you have the
TCM2.5/2.6 connected to and set the baud rate to the same baud rate of the TCM2.5/2.6. The
default baud rate for the TCM2.5/2.6 is 9600. Remember that the TCM2.5/2.6 does not echo
characters by default, so you may wish to select the echo output option in your terminal emulation
program or press
TCM Studio
– Evaluation Program
The TCM2.5/2.6 evaluation software communicates with the TCM2.5/2.6 through the COM port of
your PC. It provides an easy to use interface, so that instead of issuing command codes manually,
you can use buttons, check boxes, and dialog boxes. It reads the Binary responses of the
TCM2.5/2.6 output strings and formats its sensor data into labeled and easy-to-read data fields.
The program also includes the ability to log and save the outputs of the TCM2.5/2.6 to a file. All of
this is so that you may begin to learn the capabilities of the TCM2.5/2.6 while using the TCM Studio
program’s more friendly interface.
To install the TCM Studio program onto a Windows system:
1. Drag t
he “TCM Studio.exe” to the working directory of your computer.
2. Move the Quesa plug-in (Quesa.dll) into either the Windows System or System32 folder.
Quesa is the OpenGL rendering engine and the 3D Model of the TCMStudio will not run
without it.
For Windows 2000/NT copy to: /WinNT/System32 folder
For Windows XP copy to: /Windows/System32 folder
To Install the TCM Studio program onto a Mac OSX system:
Drag the “TCM Studio” to the working directory of your computer.
2. Move the Quesa plug-in (Quesa) to: /Library/CFMSupport
Hardware Setup:
1. Connect the unit to a serial port of the PC via the included cable. (A USB to Serial Adapter
can be used; Keyspan USA-19QW was tested.)
2. Supply power