If the camera uses the mpeg video format – Milestone XProtect Essential 2014 User Manual

Page 79

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Milestone XProtect


Essential 2014

Administrator's Manual


Advanced configuration

Live Frame Rate

Required average frame rate for live video from the camera. Select
number of frames, then select the time unit interval (second, minute
or hour). The frame rate must be higher than the frame rate
specified under normal mode.

If the camera supports dual stream and dual stream is enabled, the
Live Frame Rate column will be read-only with the value Dual

which cannot be altered.

Recording Frame Rate

Required average frame rate for recorded video from the camera.
Select number of frames, then select the time unit interval (second,
minute or hour). The frame rate must be higher than the frame rate
specified under normal mode.

Tip: Speedup does not necessarily have to be based on motion- or events, you can also use


(see "


" on page 126) to configure speedup based on particular periods of time. If

you prefer such time-based speedup, you should still enable the use of speedup by selecting the
Enable speedup check box.

Dual stream:

This feature is only available on cameras supporting dual stream.



Enable dedicated live stream

This additional stream feature lets you use the alternative stream of
the camera. It enables two independent streams to the recording

—a stream for live viewing and another stream for recording

purposes, with different resolution, encoding, and frame rate.


Select the type of the live stream. Stream settings for viewing live
video and for recording video may very well be different in order to
get the best result.


Select the resolution of the camera.


Select the camera's live frame rate per second (FPS)

If the camera uses the MPEG video format

With MPEG, you can define frame rate and other settings:

Properties available in all XProtect software versions:



Frame rate per second

Frame rate for viewing live and recorded video from the camera.
Select number of frames per second.

Properties available in XProtect Enterprise, XProtect Professional and XProtect Express only: