Milestone XProtect Essential 2014 User Manual
Page 113

Milestone XProtect
Essential 2014
Administrator's Manual
Advanced configuration
Error messages and solutions
Changes saved
If the event is new, is it saved? Or if
there are changes to the event name,
are these changes saved?
Save changes before testing
analytics event. Solution/Explanation:
Save changes.
Analytics Events
Is the Analytics Event feature
Analytics events have not been
enabled. Solution/Explanation: Enable
the Analytics Events feature.
Address allowed
Is the IP address/host name of the
machine sending the event(s)
allowed (listed on the analytics
events address list)?
The local host name must be added
as allowed address for the Analytics
Event service. Solution/Explanation:
Add your machine to the analytics events
address list (of allowed IP
addresses/host names).
Error resolving the local host name.
Solution/Explanation: The IP
address/host name of the machine
cannot be found or is invalid.
Analytics event
used in alarm
Is the analytics event used actively in
any alarm definitions?
Analytics event is not used in any
alarm definition. Solution/Explanation:
Use the analytics event in an alarm
Send analytics
Did sending a test event to the Event
Server succeed?
See table below.
Error messages and solutions for the condition Send analytics event:
Error messages
Event Server not found.
Unable to find the Event Server service on the list of registered
Error connecting to Event
Unable to connect to the Event Server service on the defined port
(most likely due to network problems, the Event Server service
being stopped or similar).
Error sending analytics event.
Connection to the Event Server service established but event
cannot be sent (most likely due to network problems, for example
time out).
Error receiving response from
Event Server.
Event sent to Event Server but no reply received (most likely due
to network problems or port being busy (see the Event Server log,
typically located at ProgramData\Milestone\XProtect Event
—can be opened in Microsoft Notepad or similar tool)).
Analytics event unknown by
Event Server.
The Event Server service does not know the event most likely due
to the event, or changes to the event, not having been saved.
Invalid analytics event
received by Event Server.
Event format is somehow incorrect.