Notifications, Email, About email – Milestone XProtect Essential 2014 User Manual
Page 131

Milestone XProtect
Essential 2014
Administrator's Manual
Advanced configuration
Audit Log
Enable audit logging
Audit logging is the only type of XProtect Essential logging which is
not compulsory. Select/clear the check box to enable/disable audit
These log files are by default placed in the appropriate All Users
folder for the operating system you are using.
To specify another location for your log files, type the path to the
required folder in the Path field, or click the browse button next to
the field to browse to the required folder.
Days to log
A new log file is created for each day with audit logging enabled
and client user activity. A log file older than the number of days
specified in the field is automatically deleted. By default, the log file
is stored for seven days. To specify another number of days (max.
9999), overwrite the value in the field. The current day's activity is
always logged (provided audit logging is enabled and there is user
activity). Therefore, if you specify 1, you keep one day plus the
current day's activity. Note that if you specify 0 (zero), audit log files
are kept indefinitely (disk space permitting).
Minimum logging interval
Minimum number of seconds between logged events. Specifying a
high number of seconds between logged events may help reduce
the size of the audit log. Default is 60 seconds.
In sequence timespan
The number of seconds to pass for viewed images to be considered
to be within the same sequence. Specifying a high number of
seconds may help limit the number of viewed sequences logged
and reduce the size of the audit log. The default is ten seconds.
About email
With email notifications, you can instantly get notified when your surveillance system requires
attention. Your system can automatically send e-mail notifications to one or more recipients when:
Motion is detected
Events occur. You can select individually for each event whether you want to receive an email
notification or not.
Archiving fails (if email notification has been selected as part of the archiving properties)