Restore system configuration from a restore point, Upgrade, About upgrading – Milestone XProtect Essential 2014 User Manual

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Milestone XProtect


Essential 2014

Administrator's Manual


System maintenance

Restore system configuration from a restore point

Restore points allow you to return to a previous configuration state. Each time you apply a
configuration change in the Management Application, a new restore point is created.

All restore points in the current and previous five sessions are stored and can be selected again. A
new session begins each time you start the Management Application as well as each time you save
the whole configuration, for example by clicking the Save Configuration button in the Management
Application's toolbar. For sessions older than the last five sessions, only the latest restore point of
each session is stored. With the Number of old sessions to keep field, you can control how many
old sessions are kept.

When you select to restore a configuration from a restore point, the configuration from the selected
restore point is applied and used once the services are restarted.

If you have added new cameras or other devices to the system after the restore point was created,
they are missing if you load the restore point. This is because they were not in the system when the
restore point was created. In such cases, you are notified and must decide what to do with recordings
from the affected devices.

1. From the File menu, select Load Configuration from Restore Point...

2. In the left part of the Restore Points dialog, select the relevant restore point.

3. Click the Load Restore Point button.

4. If you are sure that you want to overwrite the current configuration with the one from the

selected restore point, click OK.

5. Only relevant if the current configuration contains cameras or other devices which were not

present in the selected restore point: you are asked whether you want to delete or keep
recordings from affected devices. If you keep the recordings, note that you cannot access
them until you add the affected devices to your system again. Select the relevant option, and
click OK.

6. Click OK in the Restore Points dialog.

7. Expand Advanced Configuration, and select Services.

8. For the Recording Server and Image Server services respectively, click the Restart button.

When the two services are restarted, the configuration from the selected restore point is


When you select a restore point, you can see information about the configuration state at the

selected point in time in the right part of the dialog. This can help you select the best possible restore


About upgrading

If you want to upgrade your system, you can do this in different ways. You can: