Chlorine calibration, Standardizing chlorine – Metex 8760CLP Total Free Chlorine & pH Analyzer User Manual

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The 8760CLP chlorine system is calibrated by grab sample; an easy method of standardizing the
chlorine measurement without taking the electrode out of the sample. Grab sample standardization
method requires the user to determine the actual total free chlorine concentration of the sample using an
alternative method.
When grab sample calibration is used, it
is the responsibility of the user to ensure
that the grab sample taken and the total
free chlorine value recorded for it are
A chlorine calibration kit, P/N
AM-A7010001, is supplied with the
model 8760CLP. The calibration kit
uses a reagent which develops a violet
color which is proportional to the
amount of total free chlorine in the
sample. The kit contains 30 ampoules,
sample cup, and low & high range
comparators to measure total free
chlorine in the 0 ppm to 1 ppm and 1
ppm to 5 ppm concentration ranges respectively.

NOTE: Keep the kit closed when not in use. The comparators need
to be stored in the dark.

Standardizing Chlorine

NOTE: The pH input should be calibrated first, prior to chlorine
standardization. Refer to the
pH Calibration section.

1. Press SAMPLE to display the [tFCl] reading. Press SELECT to

reach the first menu, then use the Up or Down arrow key to display

2. Press SELECT then the Up or Down arrow key to display [CAL].
3. Press SELECT then the Up or Down arrow key to [Get]. Then

press SELECT again to display a flashing [do]. LEAVE

4. From the analyzer outlet, obtain a representative grab sample cup full of water, then immediately go

and press ENTER on the analyzer.

5. Take an ampoule from the kit and place the ampoule’s tapered tip into

one of the four depressions in the bottom of the sample cup. Snap the
tip by pressing the ampoule towards the side of the cup. The sample
will fill the ampoule and begin to mix with the reagent. A small bubble
of inert gas will remain in the ampoule to facilitate mixing.

Illustration 25: Chlorine menu

Illustration 26 Chlorine calibration
kit, P/N AM-A7010001

CAUTION: Do not break the tip of the ampoule unless it is completely
immersed in your sample. Accidentally breaking the tip in the atmosphere
may produce a “jack-hammer” effect,
shattering the ampoule. Wear eye
protection when working with these ampoules.

Illustration 27: Method

for breaking the ampoule