Introduction – Spectra Precision MobileMapper Field & Office Software User Manual
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MobileMapper Field is a user-friendly software program
intended for mobile, general-purpose GIS applications.
MobileMapper FIeld is provided on a CD. The auto-run file
allows you to easily install the program on your receiver from
an office computer.
With MobileMapper Field, GIS data collection starts with the
creation of a job (a *.map or *.dxf file).
Then you need to add or create layers, i.e. profiles through
which you can define the types of 2D or 3D features you
would like to log (points, lines or polygons), as well as their
attributes (including images -JPG files- and sound tracks -
WAV files). MobileMapper Field will save layers as separate
SHP (+ associated SHX and DBF files), MIF or CSV files for a
*.map job, or directly in the job file for a DXF job.
The coordinate system attached to a job is defined when
adding the first layer. If it’s a new layer, you will need to
define the coordinate system by yourself. If it’s an existing
layer, the job will inherit the coordinate system earlier defined
for that layer. The purpose of defining a coordinate system is
• Allowing your receiver to show your current position in the
chosen coordinate system. These coordinates will appear
at the bottom of the map screen.
• Allowing your receiver to log the coordinates of each
feature in that coordinate system. These coordinates will
be saved to the corresponding layer.
The map screen will view all the features you log, based on
the graphic conventions you choose for each layer. It will also
help you navigate to existing features if necessary.
A background map can also be viewed on the map screen to
help you locate the different features that can be found in
your working area. Selecting a background map is part of the
choices available in the software settings menu.
Data files can easily be downloaded to an office computer
using the USB data cable provided with your receiver.
With the raw data logging option enabled and unlocked, the
receiver will continuously log raw data files so that later you
can enhance the accuracy of all your feature positions
through post-processing using MobileMapper Office software.