More about mobilemapper office – Spectra Precision MobileMapper Field & Office Software User Manual

Page 61

background image




linear unit used to express all the coordinates (meters,
feet or survey feet), then click


• Then name the resulting project (this will automatically

define a subfolder for this new project) and click

OK. Wait

until the conversion is complete. MobileMapper Office
then shows the newly created project.

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Undo Post-processing: If the post-processing results do

not meet your expectations, you can reverse to the original
SHP files by selecting the

Undo Processing command.

Zoom settings: In addition to the zoom buttons in the

menu bar and on the map screen, MobileMapper Office
offers another useful way of adjusting the zoom setting.
Double-click on a feature in the map screen. This takes
the feature to the center of the map screen. You can then
adjust the zoom setting around the feature, which stays at
the center of the screen, using the mouse wheel (turn
forward to zoom in, turn backward to zoom out).

Viewing the background map: Background maps are seen

as layers in the project. Use

Add Layer>Select Existing. In

the Open dialog box, choose “Raster file” as the file type
and then select the background map file. MobileMapper
Office supports the following raster formats: bmp, gif, tif,
jpg, jp2 and ecw. Select a raster file and click


If this is the first layer inserted in the job, MobileMapper
Office will ask you to define the coordinate system used.
At this point, you can choose the linear unit used in the
coordinate system (meters, feet or survey feet).

If a layer already exists in the project when you import a
raster layer, there may be a message warning you about
the coordinate system used by the background map, if not
exactly the same as the one used in the layer. You may
choose to go on anyway if the two systems are not very
different. If you accept a background map using a very
different coordinate system, its resulting location on the
map screen will be inaccurate.

Status Bar: The status bar is located at the bottom of the

main window. Whatever the feature selected on the map
screen, the status bar displays the coordinates of the
selected point.

For a line or polygon feature, the status bar additionally
shows a sliding bar allowing you to move the cursor on the
map screen from one point to the next or previous point
using respectively the “plus” or “minus” button at the two
ends of the sliding bar.