Brocade DCX 8510-4 Backbone Hardware Reference Manual User Manual
Page 85
Follow electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions. Wear a wrist grounding strap connected to chassis
ground (if the chassis is plugged in) or a bench ground.
For safety reasons, the ESD wrist strap should contain a series 1 megaohm resistor.
1. Open a Telnet session to the chassis and log in to the active CP as admin. The default password is
2. Verify that you are logged in to the active CP. Run the haShow command to determine the active
3. Run the supportsave command on the active CP to capture all settings. If any problem occurs
during the replacement, the supportsave information will be important for solving the problem.
4. Run the following commands on the chassis before replacing the cards so that the data can be
verified after the replacement:
1. licenseidshow
2. ipaddrshow
3. switchname
4. chassisname
5. wwncardshow ipdata
6. chassisshow (look at the WWN and Chassis information at the bottom)
7. ficonshow switchrnid
The factory serial number and the sequence number in the following outputs should match, except in
the ficonshow switchrnid, which will have a number appended to the front indicating that the logical
switch number, if virtual fabrics is enabled:
switch:FID128:root> chassisshow
WWN Unit: 1
Header Version: 2
Power Consume Factor: -1
Factory Part Num: 60-1000491-05
Factory Serial Num: AFX2533G001
Manufacture: Day: 19 Month: 1 Year: 2012
Update: Day: 5 Month: 5 Year: 2014
Time Alive: 756 days
Time Awake: 3 days
WWN Unit: 2
Header Version: 2
Power Consume Factor: -1
Factory Part Num: 60-1000491-05
Factory Serial Num: AJX0416G02H
Manufacture: Day: 12 Month: 8 Year: 2011
Update: Day: 5 Month: 5 Year: 2014
Time Alive: 897 days
Time Awake: 3 days
Chassis Factory Serial Num: AFY2530G00S
switch:FID128:root> ficonshow switchrnid
{Switch WWN Flag Parm
10:00:00:05:1e:95:b1:00 0x00 0x200a00
Type number: SLKWRM
Model number: DCX
Manufacturer: BRD
Plant of Manufacture: CA
Sequence Number: 0AFX2533G001
tag: b6ff
5. Login to the chassis and execute the switchcfgpersistentdisable command on the main switch and
other logical switches. The switchcfgpersistentdisable command disables the switches, and
Removal and Replacement Procedures
Brocade DCX 8510-4 Backbone Hardware Reference Manual