Yokogawa YVP20S User Manual
Page 96

IM 21B04C50-01E
● Custom Characterization Dialog
The Characterization Dialog lets the user define his own characterization. There are 9
definable points for the valve position at 10% increments of position setpoint. Use the
mouse to drag the points on the curve or enter numerical values in the table to define the
To configure a custom characteristic curve, enter the values in the edit boxes at the bottom
of the screen and press the Tab key. The graph is updated when the value is entered.
Alternatively, change the shape of the curve by clicking a point, holding the left mouse
button down, and dragging the cursor to a new position before releasing the mouse button.
Figure 9.10 Display mismatch for non-linear characteristic
After configuring the curve, click the OK button to accept the value and exit the Character-
ization dialog, and click the OK button of Configure dialog, or click the Cancel button to exit
without changing the values. To prevent a user from entering unreasonable points,
ValveNavi will check the curve based on established rules and pop up a warning message
when the curve does not meet the rules. The characteristic points are saved in YVP with a
resolution of five digits.
The unfinished curve in Figure 9.9 illustrates that the curve must be monotonic. (Each
point must be greater than the previous point.) To smoothly blend a point between its
adjacent points, right click the point. For all non-linear characteristics the set point will differ
from the target position.
Click OK to accept the custom characteristic.
When the characteristic is linear, the displays of position setpoint and target valve position
will all match. For all other (non-linear) characteristics the valve target position will differ
from the setpoint. See Figure 9.10