Yokogawa YVP20S User Manual
Page 14
IM 21B04C50-01E
● Reduced Wiring and Installation Costs
FOUNDATION fieldbus’ use of existing wiring and multi-drop connections provides
significant savings in network installation costs. This includes reductions in intrinsic safety
barrier termination and cable costs, particularly in areas where wiring is already in place.
Additional cost savings can be achieved through the decreased time required for
construction and start-up, as well as simplified programming of control and logic functions
using software control
Guide to a successful Foundation fieldbus installation
There are many levels of skills required for a successful Foundation fieldbus installation. It
is beyond the scope of the ValveNavi software user’s manual to cover all phases of fieldbus
design and installation. Prior to using the ValveNavi software the fieldbus segment must be
running properly, without wiring, installation, power supply, or configuration irregularities.
The YVP positioner must be mounted on a control valve. Numerous resources are
available to cover each of these installation issues.