T2 probe disconnection/reconnection, Accidental disconnection t1/t2 probe – ZOLL Thermogard XP IVTM System Operation Manual User Manual
Page 54

T2 Probe Disconnection/Reconnection
If the User connects a T2 probe at any time during the operation of the System
(in STANDBY or RUN), the System will assume that the use of the T2 probe is
desired. If the T2 probe is then disconnected the System will alarm – see below.
If the User disconnects a T2 Probe in STANDBY, the System will NOT assume
that this is intentional. When the System is placed into RUN WITHOUT a T2
Probe present, the User will again see the Warning as described above.
Accidental Disconnection T1/T2 Probe
Disconnection of the T1 probe during RUN results in
an Alarm. Press the knob to silence the alarm. The
System moves to STANDBY. Treatment cannot
continue until the T1 probe has been replaced..
Note that the patient temperature is displayed as
“---“ and the yellow warning banner covers the bath
temperature display.
Absence or disconnection of the T1 probe during
STANDBY results in a warning display WITHOUT a
persistent audible alarm. The system CANNOT
enter RUN until a T1 probe has been connected.
Note that the patient temperature is displayed as
“---“ and the yellow warning banner DOES NOT
cover the bath temperature display.
Disconnection of the T2 probe during RUN results in
an Alarm. Press the knob to silence the alarm. The
System moves to STANDBY. If you attempt to
return to RUN without reconnecting the T2 probe,
you will be asked to verify your intention.
Note that the patient temperature will be displayed
correctly if the T1 probe remains connected. The
yellow warning banner covers the bath temperature
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