Verification procedure – Teledyne LeCroy DA1855A User Manual
Page 66

DA1855A Differential Amplifier
922258-00 Rev A
3. Bandwidth Limiting
a. Press the 10 MHz BW Limit button on the front panel of the DA1855A and verify that
the slope of the trace’s leading and trailing edge has decreased.
b. Press the resp. 1 MHz and 100 kHz BW Limit buttons and verify that in each case that
the slope of the leading and trailing edges decreases.
c. Return to maximum bandwidth by pressing the FULL BW Limit button.
4. X10 Gain and ÷10 Attenuator
a. Press the ÷10 attenuator button and verify that the signal on screen has reduced by
about a factor of 10.
b. Press the X10 Gain button and verify that the signal on screen is again about 3 division.
c. Remove all cables, accessories and return all setting of the DA1855A as shown in the
table in the Preliminary Procedure.
Verification Procedure
1. Check X1 Gain Accuracy
a. Set the DA1855A +INPUT to DC.
b. Connect the Sine Wave Generator output via a 50 Ω BNC coaxial cable and a
standard 50 Ω termination to a female BNC to banana plug adapter.
c. Set the DMM to measure AC Volts.
d. Connect the banana plug adapter to the DMM.
e. Set the sine wave generator to 70 Hz and the output amplitude to read 200 mVrms
± 5 mV on the DMM.
f. Record the DMM reading to 100 μV resolution in the Test Report as ‘Sine Wave
Generator Output Voltage’.
g. Disconnect the sine wave generator output cable with the 50 Ω termination from
the BNC to banana plug adapter on the DMM.
h. Connect this cable with the standard 50 Ω termination to the +INPUT of the
i. Remove the banana plug adapter from the DMM and connect the DA1855A
AMPLIFIER OUTPUT connector via another coaxial cable and the precision 50 Ω
termination to the DMM. See Figure 9.