IAI America XSEL Ethernet User Manual
Page 22

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Combined Use of Expansion I/O Board (Modbus/TCP
EtherNet/IP + Expanded I/O)
The following settings are applicable when the standard I/O ports are mapped on Modbus/TCP
EtherNet/IP (input-port start No. 0 and output-port start No. 300), while the expansion I/O boards
are used with port assignments starting with input-port start No. 200 and output-port start No. 500.
[I/O parameters]
Parameter name
Input range
I/O port assignment type
0 0~20
0: Fixed assignment
I/O numbers are specified by parameters.
1: Automatic assignment (priority sequence: slot 1~)
Standard I/O input-port start
number (I/O1)
0 -1~599
0 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
0: Assign Modbus/TCP remote DIs from No. 0.
Standard I/O output-port start
number (I/O1)
300 -1~599
300 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
300: Assign Modbus/TCP remote DOs from No.
Expanded I/O1 input-port start
number based on fixed
assignment (I/O2)
200 -1~599
0 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
Assign DIs of expanded I/O1 from No. 200.
Expanded I/O1 output-port
start number based on fixed
assignment (I/O2)
0 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
Assign DOs of expanded I/O1 from No. 500.
Expanded I/O2 input-port start
number based on fixed
assignment (I/O3)
-1 -1~599
0 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
-1: No expanded I/O2 DI
Expanded I/O2 output-port
start number based on fixed
assignment (I/O3)
-1 -1~599
300 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
-1: No expanded I/O2 DO
Expanded I/O3 input-port start
number based on fixed
assignment (I/O4)
-1 -1~599
0 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
-1: No expanded I/O3 DI
Expanded I/O3 output-port
start number based on fixed
assignment (I/O3)
-1 -1~599
300 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
-1: No expanded I/O3 DO
Standard I/O error monitor
1 0~5
Expanded I/O1 error monitor
Expanded I/O2 error monitor
0 0~5
Expanded I/O3 error monitor
0 0~5
0: Do not monitor
1: Monitor
2: Monitor (Do not monitor 24 V I/O power error)
3: Monitor (Monitor 24 V I/O power error only)
Number of ports using network
I/F-card remote input
n 0~256
Specify the Modbus/TCP remote DI bits by a multiple
of 8 (8
n 256).
Number of ports using network
I/F-card remote output
m 0~256
Specify the Modbus/TCP remote DO bits by a
multiple of 8 (8
n 256).
(Note) 1. Set the parameters so that the total number of DIs and that of DOs, respectively, will not exceed 300.
2. The last DI number should be 299 or below, while the last DO number should be 599 or below.
3. When word registers are to be used in Modbus/TCP, set the remote I/O head numbers (I/O port start
numbers: I/O parameters 2 and 3) on a 16-bit boundary, and also set the remote I/O bits (numbers of
ports using input/output: I/O parameters 14 and 15) as a multiple of 16.