2 remote i/o setup procedure, Remote i/o setup procedure – IAI America XSEL Ethernet User Manual
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Remote I/O Setup Procedure
The system is configured only with the remote I/Os of Modbus/TCP
EtherNet/IP, with the I/O port
numbers being specified according to fixed port assignment.
4.2.1 Configuration
EtherNet/IP Only (No expansion I/O board)
The following settings are applicable when the system is configured only with the remote I/Os of
EtherNet/IP and the standard I/O ports are mapped on Modbus/TCP EtherNet/IP
without connections to any external devices via expansion I/O boards.
[I/O parameters]
Parameter name
Setting Input range
I/O port assignment type
0 0~20
0: Fixed assignment
I/O numbers are specified by parameters.
1: Automatic assignment (priority sequence: slot 1~)
Standard I/O input-port start
number (I/O1)
0 -1~599
0 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
0: Assign Modbus/TCP remote DIs from No. 0.
Standard I/O output-port start
number (I/O1)
300 -1~599
300 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
300: Assign Modbus/TCP remote DOs from No.
Expanded I/O1 input-port start
number based on fixed
assignment (I/O2)
-1 -1~599
0 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
-1: No expanded I/O1 DI
Expanded I/O1 output-port
start number based on fixed
assignment (I/O2)
-1 -1~599
300 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
-1: No expanded I/O1 DO
Expanded I/O2 input-port start
number based on fixed
assignment (I/O3)
-1 -1~599
0 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
-1: No expanded I/O2 DI
Expanded I/O2 output-port
start number based on fixed
assignment (I/O3)
-1 -1~599
300 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
-1: No expanded I/O2 DO
Expanded I/O3 input-port start
number based on fixed
assignment (I/O4)
-1 -1~599
0 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
-1: No expanded I/O3 DI
Expanded I/O3 output-port
start number based on fixed
assignment (I/O3)
-1 -1~599
300 + (Multiple of 8) (A negative value is invalid.)
-1: No expanded I/O3 DO
Standard I/O error monitor
1 0~5
Expanded I/O1 error monitor
0 0~5
Expanded I/O2 error monitor
0 0~5
Expanded I/O3 error monitor
0 0~5
0: Do not monitor
1: Monitor
2: Monitor (Do not monitor 24 V I/O power error)
3: Monitor (Monitor 24 V I/O power error only)
Number of ports using network
I/F-card remote input
n 0~256
Specify the Modbus/TCP remote DI bits by a multiple
of 8 (8
n 256).
Number of ports using network
I/F-card remote output
m 0~256
Specify the Modbus/TCP remote DO bits by a
multiple of 8 (8
n 256).
(Note) When word registers are to be used in Modbus/TCP, set the remote I/O head numbers (I/O port start
numbers: I/O parameters 2 and 3) on a 16-bit boundary, and also set the remote I/O bits (numbers of
ports using input/output: I/O parameters 14 and 15) as a multiple of 16.