Appendix a - cli ascii-based interface – Sonnet Technologies Web Management Tool User Manual
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Determines the reported identity of Fibre Channel ports. When
enabled (multiple node mode), each port reports a separate
unique Node Name; logical units may be mapped to any port.
When disabled (single node), each port reports the same Node
Name and each logical unit map is applied to all ports.
Default: disabled
set FCMultiNode [enabled | disabled]
get FCMultiNode
Displays the number of Fibre Channel errors that have occurred
since the last reboot/power-on or use of the ResetFCPortErrors
get FCPortErrors [fp | all]
Displays a list of available FC ports and their current status.
Valid reported status values are
Up, Down, Failed, Reserved
Reports the World Wide Port Name of the Fibre Channel
interface referenced. Each Fibre Channel port has an individual
and unique 8-byte Port Name.
get FCWWName [fp | all]]
Resets and reinitializes the unit firmware. Use the forced option
to override any CLI reservations held by other sessions.
Help (Immediate)
Displays a list of available commands. If command name is
specified, displays detailed command-specific information
HSAdd (Immediate)
Assigns a drive to the Hot Spare pool. If RAID and RAID group
name are specified, the Hot Spare is assigned only to the specified
RAID group. If no group name is specified, the Hot Spare is a
global Hot Spare and available for use by any RAID group.
Specifies the connection mode the unit uses when
communicating across a Fibre Channel network.
Connection modes:
FC_AL arbitrated loop: loop
Point-to-point: ptp
auto-negotiation, loop preferred: loop-ptp
auto-negotiation, ptp preferred: ptp-loop:
Default: loop
set FCConnMode [fp| all] [loop | ptp | loop-ptp
| ptp-loop]
SaveConfiguration Restart command required
get FCConnMode [fp | all]
Specifies the Fibre Channel data rate at which operation will
occur. If no connection has been made, the data rate in the Info
command output toggles among 1Gb, 2Gb or 4Gb on hardware
capable of 4Gb per sec., and 8Gb on hardware capable of 8Gb
per sec.
set FCDataRate [fp | all] [1Gb | 2Gb | 4Gb |
8Gb | auto]
get FCDataRate [fp | all]
Regulates Fibre Channel hard address assignment. When
enabled, the unit tries to use its internal hard address as its
address on the Fibre Channel loop. Under soft addressing, the
unit loop address is assigned during loop initialization.
Default: disabled
set FCHard [enabled | disabled]
SaveConfiguration Restart command required
get FCHard
Specifies the value used as the FC-AL hard address. This
value represents the address that will be used if the FCHard
command is enabled. Valid Fibre Channel hard address values
are from 0 through 125.
set FCHardAddress [fp | all] [address]
get FCHardAddress [fp | all]
Appendix A - CLI ASCII-Based Interface
Support Note:
Changing the FC port reporting causes
all maps to be deleted: you must perform a
SaveConfiguration command before creating new maps using
the AutoMap or Route commands.