Audiovox SMT5600 User Manual
Page 179

Smartphone User Manual
9. System Maintenance
Smartphone User Manual
9. System
The DRM icon displays in List View as well as in the Rename, As-
sociate, Open With, Select Multiple, Delete, and Properties screens.
The example figures below show the Properties screen.
License from the menu opens a screen of options such as
Play, Display, Execute, and Print. File Manager will take the appro-
priate action depending on the option you choose and depending on
the license associated with the protected file. For example, selecting
Play might open a Confirm screen like the examples illustrated in
the last page of Chapter 3.
File Manager will allow or not allow the use of menu items as ap-
propriate, according to the current DRM file state. For example,
commands on the
Send submenu will not function if the file is
Forward Locked or is a Combined Delivery (content and rights
downloaded together) file. But commands on the
Send submenu
are enabled if it is a Separate Delivery (content and rights are
downloaded separately) file.