Thermostat, Proportional thermostat, Thermostat proportional thermostat – PASCO PS-2006 GLX Power Amplifier User Manual
Page 14

P S - 2 0 0 6 G L X P o w e r A m p l i f i e r
S p e c i a l O u tp u t Ex a m p l e s
This calculation causes the out-
put to turn on and off in
response to the temperature
measured by a temperature
probe connected to the GLX.
A small light bulb is connected
to the Power Amplifier. The
light bulb and temperature
probe are enclosed together
under a paper cone.
If the temperature is below
24° C, the light bulb turns on to
heat the enclosure. If the tem-
perature is above 24° C, the
light bulb turns off to let the
enclosure cool.
Note that the GLX does not
turn off the output when you
stop data recording. If the
heater happens to be on when
you press
to stop, it will
stay on until you manually turn
off the output, or start record-
ing another data run.
Proportional Thermostat
This calculation adjusts the
output voltage (rather than sim-
ply turning it on and off) in
response to temperature. As the
temperature approaches the tar-
get of 24° C, the voltage
The limit function prevents the
output from exceeding 5 V, and
it makes the voltage stay at
zero if the measured tempera-
ture exceeds the target.
Note that the final temperature
settles slightly below the target