To return to the output screen, Output-control calculations, Using power amplifier measurements – PASCO PS-2006 GLX Power Amplifier User Manual
Page 10: About the measurements

P S - 2 0 0 6 G L X P o w e r A m p l i f i e r
O u t p u t - c o n t r o l C a l c u l a t i o n s
To Return to the Output Screen
Press and hold
Press (once or several times) until the Output Screen Appears.
Release .
Output-control Calculations
The GLX's Calculator screen provides three special functions for con-
trolling the signal output. In the Calculator's third Functions menu
three times), the functions are abbreviated to outswitch,
outfreq, and outvolume. Parameters of the output that are not affected by
a calculation are set by the values in the Output screen.
For more information on using these functions and the GLX calculator, see the
GLX Users' Guide.
Use the outputswitch function to turn on or
off the Power Amplifier output. The first argument should equal 1. The
second argument, state, can equal any number and determines whether
the output is OFF or ON.
If state = 0, then the output is OFF.
If state
≠ 0, then the output is ON.
Use the outputfreq function to set the
frequency of the Power Amplifier output. The first argument should
equal 1. The second argument, frequency, sets the frequency, in Hz, of
the output signal. The frequency can be set between 0.1 Hz and 5000
Use this function to set the amplitude of a
periodic function, or the DC voltage. The argument of the function can
be set between
−10 V and 10 V.
Using Power Amplifier Measurements
In addition to functioning as an output device, the Power Amplifier also
acts like a sensor, sending information about its voltage and current out-
put back to the GLX. The GLX can record these measurements along
with measurements for other sensors. You can select the measurements
for display (in a Graph, Table, Digits, or Meters screens), use them in
calculations (in the Calculator screen), and change their sampling rates
and other settings (in the Sensors screen). In most ways, Power Ampli-
fier measurements are the same as other sensor measurements.
Note: The measurements may not be valid when the over-current indicator
on the Power Amplifier is lit.
About the Measurements
The instantaneous output of the Power Amplifier.