Special output examples, Positive square wave, Single positive ramp – PASCO PS-2006 GLX Power Amplifier User Manual
Page 12: Heat pulse, Automatic on

P S - 2 0 0 6 G L X P o w e r A m p l i f i e r
S p e c i a l O u tp u t Ex a m p l e s
Special Output Examples
This section gives some formulas for generating outputs that may be useful in experiments and demonstrations.
Positive Square Wave
Output alternates between zero
and a positive voltage.
The maximum voltage is twice
the amplitude value. The offset
value is equal to amplitude.
Single Positive Ramp
Output starts at zero, increases
to a maximum value, and turns
The maximum voltage is twice
the amplitude value. The offset
value is equal to amplitude.
Heat Pulse
Output is a single pulse of a
specific voltage and duration.
The duration of the pulse is
half of the period value. The
voltage is twice the amplitude
value. The offset value is equal
to amplitude.
This output formula is useful
when using the Power Ampli-
fier with a heating resistor for
adding a predetermined quan-
tity of heat to a calorimeter.
Automatic On
This calculation turns the out-
put on just after you press
to start data recording. Wave-
form, amplitude, frequency,
and other properties of the out-
put are determined in the Out-
put screen.