Automatic off, Frequency sweep, Voltage controlled by force – PASCO PS-2006 GLX Power Amplifier User Manual

Page 13

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P S - 2 0 0 6 G L X P o w e r A m p l i f i e r

S p e c i a l O u t p u t Ex a m p l e s


Automatic Off

This calculation turns the out-
put off 10 s after the start of
data recording.

Frequency Sweep

This calculation causes the out-
put frequency to start at 20 Hz
and increase at a rate of 10

It is useful for driving an oscil-
lating system such as an RLC
circuit or resonance tube. As
the driving signal frequency
changes, resonant frequencies
can be detected.

Voltage Controlled by Force

This calculation causes the out-
put voltage to be controlled by
a force sensor connected to the