Micromod MOD: 30ML Controller Operation and Maintenance Training Manual User Manual

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Training Manual

MOD 30ML Operation Lab 2

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Figure 2 .1.

Batch Temperature

During the heat stage of the batch cycle, a cascade temperature loop is used to control
temperature. At the time the sequence enters the heating step, the setpoint of the master
controller is ramped to the reaction temperature; the master controller measures the
product temperature while the slave measures jacket temperature. At the cooling stage,
the setpoint is ramped back to the cool setpoint.

Figure 2 .2.

Batch Reactor

The MOD 30ML is performing the process simulation as well as the sequence control and
temperature cascade control. Once started, the batch cycle will progress automatically
unless it is switched to manual mode.

The following operations may be done from the front panel displays:

• Batch initialization
• Recipe selection
• Recipe parameter entry