Luminex FLEXMAP 3D User Manual User Manual
Page 78

2. Click Eject from the System Status bar to eject the XY platform.
3. Place the probe height adjustment tool on the XY platform.
4. From the Home page click Probe and Heater.
5. On the Probe and Heater page, select the plate type (384 well) and enter a plate name.
6. Select the appropriate well to calibrate probe height (C7 for the example shown above).
7. Click Auto Adjust Height.
8. Click Save to save the plate settings.
Example 2: "C" Plate Height 14.4mm - "F" Well Depth 11.5mm = 2.9mm
2.9mm or well D7 on the probe height adjustment tool for this example.
Hardware User Manual
For research use only. Not for use
in diagnostic procedures.