Introduction – Liquid Controls WinHost Operation User Manual
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LCRHost™ for Windows is an interface program for use
with LectroCount
Electronic Registers.
Throughout this manual, LectroCount will be used
to designate both the LectroCount LCR and the Lec-
troCount LCR-II Electronic Registers.
LCRHost allows the user the flexibility of controlling and
monitoring up to 249 meters simultaneously. When
used in conjunction with one or more LectroCount Elec-
tronic Registers, LCRHost can be used simply as a single
LectroCount controller, or as a complete LectroCount net-
work controller.
When navigating through LCRHost screens, the user will
encounter fields that are data entry or fields for display
Access to data entry fields depends on:
Some fields are for display only, and data entry is
not necessary (e.g., diagnostics, flow rate).
The LectroCount has a user-defined password that
allows the system to be locked or unlocked. This field
allows management to limit operator data entry only
to those fields that are necessary to make preset
The selector position switch on the front of the Lec-
troCount has a calibration position that can only be
accessed by removing a Weights & Measures seal-
able plate. This allows data entry in the metrologi-
cally significant fields (e.g. Compensation Type, Tem-
perature, Pulses/Unit).
List Box Window:
If the prompt is a multiple selection prompt, the user
is given a list of available selections.
Field Edit Window:
A field edit window requires either a numeric or an
alpha-numeric entry. This type of window is displayed
when LCRHost is prompting for an unknown vari-
able. For example, Preset amount, Time/Date, or
header information.
Before Getting Started:
When proving the metering system, follow pre-test
and inspection procedures established by Weights
and Measures authorities. The primary indicating and
recording element on a vehicle–mounted Lectro-
Count is the 6-digit liquid crystal display on top of
the register.
Weights and Measures inspectors are responsible
for determining if the truck metering and recording
elements of the system are in tolerance.
The LectroCount is pre-programmed with common
values for many of the programmable parameters.
These values should be checked to ensure that they
fit the specific requirements of a given installation.
Changes cannot be made to metrologically significant
data without first removing the switch plate and its asso-
ciated Weights & Measures seals. Some examples of
metrologically significant data are as follows:
PULSES / UNIT : Refers to the actual pulser output per
unit of measure (i.e.: Gallons, Liters, etc.) This value is
calculated during the flowmeter proving.
ETER, BASE TEMPERATURE: The values in these fields
affect the temperature compensation functions of the