Stainless steel strainer option, Strainer operation, Strainer element cleaning – ClimaCool UGW Manual User Manual

Page 56: What is water hammer

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Strainer Operation

Periodically, it will be necessary to flush out the debris that is

collected and settles to the bottom of the strainer reservoir .

CS-3 strainers must have a valve installed on the drainage

port. The larger CS strainers (4CS, 6CS, 8CS and 10CS) are

equipped with a flush port (or drainage port) extending inside

the strainer . When it becomes time to clean the strainer,

the flush port valve should be opened while the strainer is

in operation (while pressurized and with water flowing). A

thorough flushing of the strainer reservoir will depend upon

the length of time the flush valve remains opened. This flush

time will typically range from 15 to 60 seconds depending

on the flow, inlet water pressure and the amount of debris

collected by the strainer . As a general rule, the larger strainers

will require higher inlet water pressures in order to achieve

a complete flushing. For example, the 4CS model can be

flushed with inlet water pressures as low as 15-20 psi, while

the 6CS can be flushed with 30-35 psi. The 8CS and 10CS

models should be flushed with inlet water pressures greater

than 40 psi . Note: When shutting down the chiller for

extended periods of time, the strainer should be isolated

and completely drained.

Strainer Element Cleaning

If your strainer assembly is equipped with optional pressure

gauges, you will be able to monitor the pressure differential

between the inlet and outlet sides of the strainer . When this

pressure differential reaches 5-10 psi the strainer element

may require cleaning .
Caution: Prior to dismantling the strainer for cleaning, it

is imperative that the strainer assembly is isolated and

completely de-pressurized.
Follow the steps below when cleaning the CS strainer

Step 1. (Bolted Lid Models): Remove the top of the

strainer by removing the Grade 5 Zinc plated bolts

from the lid .

Step 2. (Clamped Lid Models): Remove the top of the

strainer by taking off the band-clamp assembly.*

Step 3. Lift the strainer element (conical screen) out of

the strainer body .

Step 4. Carefully scrub down the strainer element with

a rigid nylon brush until all matter is loosened .

Do not use a steel brush.

Step 5. Wash the strainer element off with clean water.

It is preferable to use a hose with a significant

amount of water pressure .

Do not use a pressure washer.

Step 6. Wash all matter from the strainer gaskets and

clean the inner-ring where the bottom of the

strainer element rests .

Step 7. Make sure the U-shaped gasket is fitted securely

to the bottom of the strainer element .

Reposition the strainer element into the body of

the strainer .

Step 8. Make sure the strainer head gasket is secure

on top of the strainer body . On V-band models,

O-rings should be seated completely in the body

flange. Reposition the strainer lid back on the

strainer body . Tighten the lid securely either with

the bolts or with the band-clamp.

* For clamped models, opening and closing is achieved

without adjusting the lock nut . It is tightened at the

factory to the correct compression. (Minor tightening

may be necessary if the gasket loses memory over time .)

To open the clamp, depress the safety latch and pull the

over-center lever outward . To close the clamp, make

sure the T-bolt is seated in its receiver and push the

over-center lever back toward the strainer housing .

Be sure that the safety latch is engaged before putting

the unit to use.

What is Water Hammer?

Water hammer is a phenomenon that can occur in fluid

systems with long pipes . Water hammer is a rapid change

of pressure caused by a rapid change in velocity. If the flow

has been abruptly shut off downstream, the pressure in the

entire system is raised very quickly .

Figure 21 - Recommended Torquing Sequence

Note: The 3CS strainer torque is in lbs (not ft. lbs).




Bolt Size




(ft. lbs)


5/16 - 18

60 - 80


3/8 - 16

15 - 25


1/2 - 13

45 - 55


1/2 - 13

45 - 55


5/8 - 11

80 - 100

Table 2

Stainless Steel Strainer Option