Climax FF8200 FLANGE FACER User Manual

Ff8200 flange facer

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FF8200 Flange Facer

One of a family of rugged, heavy-duty flange facers

with facing AND milling capabilities.

Rugged Machine Design

• Large, heavy duty construction-grade

bearings provide powerful, rigid

performance throughout the entire

machine facing range, even machining

over bolt hole patterns.

• Oversized ring gear accommodates

extremely high torque levels for

challenging flange repair applications,

and these machines are able to generate

a phonographic finish.

Flexible and Versatile

• Both radial and axial feed is achieved

with a pneumatic feedbox. Manual

feeding for rapid positioning is also


• Feed rate is adjusted remotely at the

pneumatic conditioning unit, providing the

ultimate in operator safety and the flexibility

for feed rate adjustments even during

machining operations.

• Infinitely variable feed rates from

0.002 - 0.035 inches (0.0508 - 0.889 mm)/

rev provides operational flexibility.

• Reversible feed box can be mounted to

provide either radial or axial feed.

• Turning and counterweight arms can both

be adjusted for the desired swing

clearance and machining range.

• Tool head can be rotated a full 360˚

providing the ability to create a variety of

chamfers, O-Ring grooves, lens rings and

other angular surfaces as needed.

• Pneumatic & hydraulic drive options


• Chucking system can be removed to

allow the flange facer to be face-


• Can be mounted both OD and ID
• Milling option available with precision

downfeed ball screw

• Grinding option available for fine finish





Quick and Easy Setup

• Modular design allows many of the

machine components to be removed to

facilitate easier setup and storage.

• Unique chucking system minimizes parts

to greatly simplify machine setup and tear


• Quick-adjust leveling feet make setup

quick and easy.