Climax Equipment

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B r i n g i n g t h e s o l u t i o n t o y o u .

Portable Machine Tools, Inc.


F E A T U R E S • S E T U P & O P E R A T I O N
C O M P O N E N T S & A C C E S S O R I E S • T E C H N I C A L D A T A


Cut your dismantling & downtime costs by re-facing flanges and
repairing seal & bearing fits at the work site

This flange facer will substantially

reduce your costs and maintenance

downtime by allowing you to quickly

repair your flanges, seals, and bearing

fits in place without resorting to costly

disassembly and transportation to a

machine shop. This versatile on-site

flange facing machine will also help

to eliminate expensive and time-

consuming recertification procedures

which may be required when critical

valves and flanges are removed for

repair and then re-installed. The job

can be done quickly to get back in

operation with minimum downtime.

An experienced operator can usually

mount the machine in the flange

bore, align it, and start cutting in 30



Single plane chuck provides rigid

clamping in the bore.

3 inch (76 mm) diameter turning

bar ensures a rigid tool platform,

even at maximum extension.

A combination of precision ball

bearings and heavy-duty Timken

Tapered roller bearings for smooth,

chatter-free machining


• 9.73:1 gear reduction provides 550

ft•lbs (798 N•m) of torque at the
cutter to remove metal fast.

• Radial feed is 0.003 - 0.032 inch

(0.076 - 0.813 mm) per revolution,
infinitely variable, reversible, rack and
pinion system.

• Down feed rates from 0.003 - 0.010

inch (0.076 - 0.0254 mm) per
revolution are provided by the down-
feed actuator system.

• Tool holder accepts 1/2 inch or 12

mm square tool bits.


Sealed lubrication allows inverted


Standard tool head swivels 360

degrees in either direction to cut

angles, grooves, chamfers, RTJ, and

weld preps. Use the optional Low

Angle tool holder to cut angles less


han 45 degrees to the flange face.

Down-feed allows turning flange

edges, and dressing inside flange/

pipe joints,

Optional large bore chuck and

bar assembly for flanges up to 60

inches (1524 mm) in diameter.

Other options include:


Grinding attachment


Back facing attachment


Low-angle tool holder