Climax Equipment

F F 8 0 0 0 P O R T A B L E F L A N G E F A C E R
B r i n g i n g t h e s o l u t i o n t o y o u .
Portable Machine Tools, Inc.
F E A T U R E S • S E T U P & O P E R A T I O N
C O M P O N E N T S & A C C E S S O R I E S • T E C H N I C A L D A T A
Available in ID or OD mount styles.
Options include grinding heads, flat
surface mounting, and a mounting
and facing range of up to 10 feet
(3048.0 mm) in diameter.
Power supply hoses attach to the top
or bottom of the machine with a
rotary union for operation in
horizontal, vertical, or inverted
Rugged and powerful
Large volume hydraulic motor, or
two rotational drive air motors.
Produces accurate machining even
at the maximum turning arm
Large diameter, heavy-duty Timken
bearings support the turntable sec-
tion. The turning arms are large
cross-section tubes that provide rigid,
lightweight mounting for the tool
Smooth rotation is ensured by the
adjustable counterbalance arm and
a set of weights provided with the
machine. Properly adjusted, the
FF8000 rotates at a uniform rate,
even when mounted in vertical
Precise finishes with HSS or
carbide tool bits, even on stainless
steel. Finishes as fine as RMS 16 can
be produced with the optional
grinding head.
The turning arms mount on the
machine turntable in dovetail ways
for easy positioning.
The 8.0 inch (203.2 mm) travel radial
feed is pneumatically actuated.
The tool head/radial feed
mechanism mounts on dovetail ways
at the end of the turning arm, to
re-face to the edge of flanges that
have very little clearance around
them, or cut right up to a shoulder.
Rotating diameter is easily adjustable
in limited clearance applications.
The four-inch (101.6 mm) travel
vertical feed is manually controlled
during automatic radial cutting
operations, or may be pneumatically
controlled when cutting grooves or
cutting down vertical surfaces.
The tool holder also rotates up to
45° in either direction for cutting
chamfers or J-weld preps.
Get big flange faces back
in working condition - FAST!
Set up fingers
Jacking bolts
Leg assembly
Main body
Vertical slide
Swivel tool
Feed box
Turning arm
and arm