MoTeC Display Creator User Manual
Page 15

Display Creator Tabs
Display Creator User Manual – MoTeC Ⓒ 2014 Published 1 July 2014
Used to set the format of the received value. Unsigned integer values are absolute, containing values from 0 to max
for the bit length of the signal. Integer values use the two's complement format giving negative and positive values
in equal proportions.
To identify the unique signal, the Offset and Length settings tell the device where to find this signal within the
message, based on the order in which the data is received.
Once the signal has been received, the raw numeric value can be determined. This value can then be scaled using the Multiplier and
added to using the Offset to convert the raw value into the final channel value in a real unit of measurement specified by the quantity
and unit.
For example:
Sending engine temperature as an integer, where 0 == 0 degrees, and 1000 == 100 degrees.
A multiplier of 0.1 is required to convert this to a floating point signal containing 0.0 to 100.0 degrees.
Conversions are applied to signal values in two steps:
Scaled Value = (Signal Value * Multiplier + Offset).
Final Value = Scaled Value converted to the specified Quantity.
For example:
A signal with a multiplier of 0.1, offset of 50 and a Quantity & Unit of speed and miles/hour respectively are converted as follows:
Scaled Value = Signal Value * 0.1 + 50.
Final Value = Scaled Value * 0.44704 metres/second.
A scaling factor applied to the raw CAN value.
Amount added to resulting value after the multiplier.
Used to specify the class of data on which to apply the conversion.
For example, temperature.
The unit to convert to for the quantity selected.
For example, K (Kelvin).