5 device trigger commands, 6 stored settings commands – B&K Precision 4078 - Manual User Manual
Page 54

Syntax: *PSC?
Response: ASCII 0 for OFF
ASCII 1 for ON
When set to ON (1), the Service Request Enable Register and the Standard Event Status Enable Register
are cleared on power-on.
e) *SRE - Service request enable command
This command sets the Service Request Enable Register bits.
Type: NRf
Range: 0 to 255. Non integer arguments are rounded before execution.
The value of bit 6 is ignored, and is set always to zero.
Common Command or Query
Syntax: *SRE
Examples: *SRE 48 (Enables reporting of ESB and MAV events)
Syntax: *SRE?
f) *STB? - Status byte query
This query is used to read the value of the Status Byte.
Common Query
Syntax: *STB?
The value of the Status Byte read with the *STB? query may differ from that read with the Serial Poll. Bit 6
of the STB will be set as long as a reason for requesting service exists, while bit 6 of the STB as read by the
Serial Poll is cleared by the Serial Poll.
4.12.5 Device Trigger Commands
a) *TRG - Trigger command
This command is analogous to the IEEE 488.1 Group Execute Trigger interface message, and has the same
effect. It is used to trigger the device to output a wave, and is accepted only when the trigger mode is set to
Trigger, Gate or Burst, and the trigger source is set to BUS.
Common Command
Syntax: *TRG
4.12.6 Stored Settings Commands
a) *RCL - Recall instrument state
This command is used to restore the state of the device to that stored in the specified memory location.