1 communication speed, 10 rs-232 configuration, 11 gpib address – B&K Precision 4078 - Manual User Manual

Page 13: 12 gpib connections (optional)

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2.9.1 Communication Speed

The 4075 and 4078 have the capabilities of generating large arbitrary waveforms with up to 400,000 points. Due to

this nature, the time it takes to transmit these large waveforms may vary depending on the baudrate and cable used for
RS232 interface. As a general reference, provided below is a chart that shows the approximate amount of time it takes to
download or send the waveforms of the indicated sizes at the rated baudrate speed.

Number of data pts.

Baudrates (bps)

10,000 points

64,000 points

100,000 points

400,000 points


~1 min

~3 mins

~9 ½ mins

~40+ mins


~30 secs

~1 min 40 secs

~6 mins 15 secs

~26+ mins

2.10 RS-232 Configuration

The instrument use 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and baud rate selectable from 2400 to 19.2K (2400, 4800,
9600, 19200). By default, the instrument is set at 9600-8-N-1.

When the instrument is in remote mode, it will display the following screen:

This screen comes up whenever there is a transmission process, be it sending or receiving. To return to local mode
and exit this screen, simply press any front panel keys. Only do this when nothing is being transmitted or received
from a connected PC. In the case where a large waveform is being transmitted, please allow AT LEAST 15 seconds
or more after the PC software or program has finished sending BEFORE pressing a key to return to local mode.
The instrument requires this time to completely finish generating/transmitting the waveform.

2.11 GPIB Address

The instrument is shipped with the address set to decimal 9. The address can be changed from the front panel by using the
"UTILITY" menu.

2.12 GPIB Connections (Optional)

The rear panel GPIB connector is an AMPHENOL 57-10240 or equivalent, and connects to a standard IEEE-488 bus
cable connector. The GPIB line screens are not isolated from chassis and signal ground.

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