5 pulse menu, 6 utility key – B&K Precision 4078 - Manual User Manual
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F2: TO - Selects the address of the last point to clear.
F3: ALL - Clears the whole waveform memory. Equivalent to selecting from 1 to 400,000.
F4: EXEC - Prompts you to confirm whether to clear. Press NO to abort clearing, YES to clear.
Protect Function. Protects (makes read-only) a section of waveform memory.
F1: FROM - Selects the address of the first point to protect.
F2: TO - Selects the address of the last point to protect.
F3: ALL - Protects the whole waveform memory. Equivalent to selecting from 1 to 400,000.
Note: You can protect only one segment of waveform memory at a time.
F4: ON/OFF - Selects the unprotect mode and resets memory protection so that the whole waveform
memory can be written into.
3.6.5 PULSE Menu
Pulse Menu
- Selects the Pulse parameters entry.
And then:
F1: FREQ/PERIOD - Selects the parameter definition of the Pulse repetition period.
- Selects the Width of the generated pulse.
F3: EQUAL EDGE - Selects equal Rise (Leading edge) and Fall (Trailing edge) times of the pulse.
F4: LEAD-TRAIL - Selects different Rise and Fall times of the Pulse.
3.6.6 UTILITY Key