Calibration and correction capabilities – Atec Anritsu-MS4640B User Manual
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VectorStar™ MS4640B Series
Calibration and Correction Capabilities
MS4640B Series TDS
PN: 11410-00611 Rev. A
Calibration and Correction Capabilities
Calibration Methods
Short-Open-Load-Through (SOLT) with Fixed or Sliding Load
Offset-Short-Offset-Short-Load-Through (SSLT) with Fixed or Sliding Load
Triple-Offset-Short-Through (SSST)
Short-Open-Load-Reciprocal (SOLR) or Unknown Through Method (SSLR, SSSR)
Line-Reflect-Line (LRL) / Line-Reflect-Match (LRM)
Advanced-LRM (A-LRM™) for improved on-wafer calibrations
Thru Update available
Correction Models
2-Port (Forward, Reverse, or both directions)
1-Port (S
, S
, or both)
Transmission Frequency Response (Forward, Reverse, or both directions)
Reflection Frequency Response (S
, S
, or both)
Merged Calibration
Merge multiple calibrations over bands of frequency points and with different algorithms
Coefficients for Calibration Standards
Use the Anritsu calibration kit USB Memory Device to load kit coefficients and characterization files.
Enter manual coefficients into user-defined locations.
Use complex load models.
Reference Impedance
Modify the reference impedance from 50 Ω to any impedance greater than 0 Ω.
Allows interpolation between calibration frequency points.
Adapter Removal Calibration
Characterizes and “removes” an adapter that is used during calibration that will not be used for subsequent
device measurements; for accurate measurement of non-insertable devices.
Dispersion Compensation
Selectable as Coaxial, other non-dispersive (e.g., for coplanar waveguide), Waveguide, or Microstrip.
Power Meter Correction
Different power meter calibrations are available to enhance power accuracy at the desired reference plane (to
usually approximately 0.1 dB for short periods of time).
Flat Power Calibrations
A flat power calibration (when in frequency sweep mode) is available at a user-selectable power level, if it is
within the power adjustment range of the internal source. The flat power correction is applied to other power
Linear Power Calibrations
A linear power calibration is performed over a range of power levels for use in power sweep mode and is
performed at a specified frequency or frequency range.
External Power Meter
Both calibrations are performed using an external power meter (Anritsu ML2438A, ML248xB, ML249xA,
Agilent 437, or equivalent) over the Dedicated GPIB port.
The MS4640B is equipped with an Embedding/De-embedding system.
De-embedding is generally used for removal of test fixture contributions, modeled networks and other networks
described by S-parameters (s2p files) from measurements.
Similarly, the Embedding function can be used to simulate matching circuits for optimizing amplifier designs or
simply adding effects of a known structure to a measurement.
Multiple Networks
Multiple networks can be embedded/de-embedded and changing the port and network orientations is handled
Extraction Utility
An extraction utility is part of this package that allows the easier computation of de-embedding files based on
some additional calibration steps and measurements.
Impedance Conversion
Allows entry of different reference impedances (complex values) for different ports
Mixer Setup
Mixer setup provides assistance to configure common mixer measurements including a simple, yet accurate,
calibration methodology.
Mixer Setup – Single Channel
The prime objective of the guided Mixer Setup Single Channel is to help configure the frequency plan of the
measurement using easy-to-understand diagrams.
Mixer Setup – Multiple Channel
The Mixer Setup Multiple Channels helps configure measurement channels to handle any of a suite of possible
mixer measurements and to list the required calibration steps.
Mixer Calibration
Both of these tools are coupled with the mixer calibration menu system that enables both scalar and
vector-corrected measurements.