Extron Electronics MLS 608 D Series User Guide User Manual
Page 71

X1# = Mic number (mute inputs): 40000 = Mic 1, 40001 = Mic 2
X1$ = Audio inputs 1-10: 1-8 = program audio inputs, 9 = Mic 1 input, 10 = Mic 2 input.
X1% = Audio output number: 1-4
X1^ = Input signal peaking adjustment range: 0-255
X1& = Skew adjustment value: 0-31, in 2 ns increments (for example 31 = 62 ns)
X1* = Video plane: 0 = red, 1 = green, 2 = blue
X1( = Input signal level adjustment range: 0-255 (default = 60).
X2) = Output bass/treble master value (240 to -240, default = 0), multiplied dB by 10.
(for example 230 = +23 dB, -210 = -21 dB.)
X2! = DDC value (EDID). See table on next page
X2@ = Video group: 1 = VGA, 2 = HDMI
X2# = Output selection: 1 = analog buffered VGA output on MLS 608 D, 2 = digital HDMI
output on MTP/HDMI U R.
X2$ = Analog EDID user definable locations: 49 = user 1, 50 = user 2.
X2% = Digital EDID user definable locations: 51 = user 3, 52 = user 4.
X2^ = EDID: 0 = current assigned EDID, 1 = user loaded 49 when X2@ = 1,
user loaded 51 when X2@ = 2, 2 = user loaded 50 when X2@ = 1, user loaded 52
when X2@ = 2
X2& = 128 or 256 byte EDID raw HEX (text form)
X2* = Native resolution and refresh rate response, for example 1280x720@60
X2( = Inputs 5 through 8 only (for HDCP commands)
X3! = Input HDCP status:
0 = source connected but not HDCP compliant.
2 = no source connected.
1 = source connected and is HDCP compliant.
3 = HDCP status not known
X3@ = Output HDCP status:
0 = output connected, current input source encrypted, output is not HDCP compliant
1 = output connected, current input source encrypted, output is HDCP compliant
2 = no output connected
3 = output connected, current input source is not encrypted or not connected,
output HDCP status not known
X3# = HDCP notification = green screen notification on the output when a source is non-HDCP
compliant: 0 = black, 1 = green (default)
X3$ = Power save mode: 0 = off (default), 1 = on
X3% = Firmware version number (x.xx)
X3& = Device part number:
60-1050-01 = MLS 608 D
60-1050-02 = MLS 608 D MA
60-1050-03 = MLS 608 D SA
X3* = MLS 608 D, or MLS 608 D MA, or MLS 608 D SA
X3( = Video signal status: 0 = video /TMDS not detected, 1 = video /TMDS detected, - = unknown
X4) = Voltage in volts (V)
X4! = Temperature in degrees C, response is three digits with leading zero (31°C = 031 ).
X4@ = Audio mute to DSP: 0 = audio unmuted, 1 = audio muted
MLS 608 D Series • SIS Programming and Control