2 port status – Asus GigaX3112 User Manual
Page 71

GigaX3112 Series Layer 3 Managed Switch
Aging Time: The aging time for this port. After the expiration of the time, the
corresponding dynamic secure MAC address will be removed from secure
MAC address table. The valid range is 0 to 1440(mins). If the time is equal
to 0, the aging mechanism is disabled for this port.
Aging Type: The aging type determines the action when the secure MAC
addresses are aged out. If “Absolute” is selected, the secure addresses on
the port are deleted after the specified aging time. If “Inactivity” is selected,
the secure addresses in the port are deleted only if there is no data traffic
from the secure source MAC address for the specified time period.
OK to make the settings permanent. Click Reload to refresh the settings to
current value.
Figure 63. Port Security Port Status
This page shows the current port status, MAC address counts, static MAC
address counts, and violation count.
Port has five statuses:
NoOper: This indicates port security on the port is configured to disabled.
SecureUp: This indicates port security is operational.
SecureDown: This indicates port security is not operational. This happens
when port security is configured to be enabled but could not be enabled due
to certain reasons such as conflict with other features.
Restrict: This indicates that the port occurs port security violation when the
violation mode is ʻrestrictʼ.
Shutdown: This indicates that the port is shutdown due to port security
violation when the violation mode is ʻshutdownʼ.