3 qos bandwidth, 6 l3 switch, 1 interface – Asus GigaX3112 User Manual
Page 49

GigaX3112 Series Layer 3 Managed Switch QoS Bandwidth
Some VLAN tag related field settings for each port are included in this page. It
Port: Select a port from list window to configure
Ingress Bandwidth: Maximum ingress bandwidth for selected port
Egress Bandwidth: Maximum egress bandwidth for selected port
Default CoS: every untagged packet received from this port will be assigned
to this CoS value in the VLAN tagged
Click on
Modify to change the content in the port list window. Click on OK
to save the configuration. To make the configuration effective, go to “Save
Configuration” page, and click
Figure 37. QoS Bandwidth
4.6 L3 Switch
This function offers L3 interface and route entry configuration.
4.6.1 Interface
This function allows users to know the L3 interface status in real time. On the
other hand, users can configure the interface in following field:
Interface: Select the interface to be configured (vlan1 is used by system).
IP: Interface IP address