Asus PCI-DA2200 User Manual
Page 355

ASUS GUI RAID Manager: Troubleshooting
Notification Errors
Error Message4: Error in loading DLL
Cause4: The GUI RAID Manager cannot find one of its
Solution4: Re-install the GUI RAID Manager.
Notification Errors
Error Condition1: Pager notification does not work
Cause1: This error can be caused by one (or more) of the following:
no modem is connected, the modem is not properly connected to the
RS-232 port of the computer, modem is not connected to a telephone
line, bad telephone line, wrong pager number, selected COM port is
currently in use by another program or device, or modem
initialization string is not properly set.
Solution1: Check the modem, the modem’s RS-232 connection,
telephone line, etc. Check also if the specified pager number is
correct. If the selected COM port is in use by another program or
device, select a different COM port from the Settings for Modem
dialog box. Or, locate the program or device that is using the port
and disable or remove it. Check the documentation that comes with
the modem for information on how to set properly the modem
initialization string. To check whether or not your modem settings
are correct, use the Test button on the mentioned dialog box.
Error Condition2: Some numbers are missing from the message
displayed on the pager
Cause2: There is not enough delay between the start of dialing and
the actual sending out of the message.
Solution2: Add commas between the pager number and the
message number in the Personal Information: Pager dialog box. You
may place the commas at the end of the pager number, or in front of